🇨🇦 Calgary, CanadaSeptember 9-13, 2024



Date Time Session Duration Type
2024-09-10 08:50 Opening 10 presentations
  09:00 Mor Invited talk 60 presentations
  10:00 Coffee Break 30 coffee break
  10:30 Understanding Systems 90 presentations
  12:00 Lunch Break 90 lunch
  13:30 Input Modelling and Parameterisation 90 presentations
  15:00 Coffee Break 30 coffee break
2024-09-11 09:00 Corina Invited talk 60 presentations
  10:00 Coffee Break 30 coffee break
  10:30 Timed Systems 90 presentations
  12:00 Lunch Break 90 lunch
  13:30 Temporal Logic + work in progress 90 presentations
  15:00 Coffee Break 30 coffee break
  15:30 Rare events + work in progress 90 presentations
2024-09-12 09:00 Azalea Invited talk (CONCUR) 60 presentations
  10:00 Coffee Break 30 coffee break
  10:30 Program and Controller Synthesis 90 presentations
  12:00 Lunch Break 90 lunch
  13:30 MDP and Weighted Automata 90 presentations
  15:00 Coffee Break 30 coffee break
  15:30 Tool demo session 90 tool demonstrations


Understanding Systems

Input Modelling and Parameterisation

Timed Systems

Temporal Logic + work in progress

Rare Events + work in progress

Program and Controller Synthesis

MDP and Weighted Automata